Saturday, January 1, 2011

from Toronto star, buskers survival tips...

7. Lurk (a.k.a. Martin Ewen), New Zealand
Specialty: Sad mime
Tip: “One sentence huh? Leave it to the mime to have the longest answer. Survival is multifaceted so a variance of tactics and attributes are called into play for survival as a busker and include, but are not limited to, an ironclad faith in the treachery of circumstance, a binding addiction to the production of laughter, the ability to create and maintain momentum, the political ability to deal with the wide array of characters you’ll meet generally, a bias towards comic futility also helps, as does a robustly cheerful attitude towards failure. That is my sentence. Additionally: The ability to heal quickly; the ability to calm angry crowds; the ability to make them angry again — but still pay you. It’s advanced applied Stockholm Syndrome. Your hostages become grateful.”

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