Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Self promotional wank

I Suppose I shouldn't denigrate praise like that but it's my natural inclination when faced with it.On one hand I'm pleased it's earned and valid but on the other the fact that it took 20 years of my life to record the contents of a book only a select number of people are qualified to identify with, [Robert being one], compounds my wry acceptance of, via my own choices, an intense life lived in a vacuum with the laughter produced being the point, that although not lost on me at the time, the fleeting ambition I had of a larger point to it all leaves me a little causticly self examined. So I use flippancy as a defense.

Sep. 20, 2011By Robert Nelson
Perhaps the best reality stories on busking I have ever seen. Ewen's insights into the people, places and situations are the driving force behind his clownish romp around the globe. Every story takes you to a new street corner of his mind. It is simply a superb map showing a clown's journey from A to Z.


There's just so many arbitrary pointless things to avoid considering.
To whit... I follow, for curiosities sake and for what ego gratification there potentially may be in the investigation, the links of sites that visit my blog. It is the definition of pathetic that in talking to myself I presume to be interesting to others but this conceit is all I have and I'll not let the facts my tracker, without mercy , bluntly outlined in a manner that cannot be doubted, the general indifference my life's passage engenders, distract me from persevering in externalizing that tiny fraction of my inner dialogue to give my futility flesh.

Sometimes though I feel it goes too far. Today for example, for reasons that must remain unfathomable else my brittle sanity shatter, the most links to my site came from a website dedicated to acid reflux.

I mean WTF. Is the universe taking the piss or what?

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