Wednesday, December 28, 2011

NZ Quirk.

I noticed an underlieing attraction that NZ projects to the world at large is 'Quirk'
Flight of the Conchords
Wearable Art Awards
Christchurch Street Performers Festival
Auckland Random Acts festival
Boy with Tape on his Face.
Air New Zealands preflight Safety Presentation.
The whole Peter Jackson Phenom.

It's about nodes. There's a NZ 'quirk' node. I'm aware it has potential. It's preformed so that saves time and energy as it's been at least subtextually premasticated.
It's increasing.
Curate it?
Promote and export it?
Position myself as an element of it?
Design instalative mixed media quirk?

I think I'll use the series of designed installations I thunk up ten years ago as a base and build on them. That was responsible for the 'Fly fishing' performances in Canada. There's a track record of success and the environment seems more poised for NZ imaginative export than it has been prior.

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